Tuesday, April 14, 2015


     Jack is the smartest two year old in the world. I'm absolutely convinced of this truth. He's also the most adorable.
     He hasn't gotten pronouns down yet, but I think I like it better that way. When he wants us to catch him at the bottom of the slide, "catch you!" When he wants us to hold him, "Hold you!" or sometimes, "stand up, hold you!" When he wants us to chase him, "Chase you me!"
     He has been experimenting with emotions lately and will often come up to me, fake sniff, and say, "I sad." I give him hugs and kisses and he'll be happy again and go off to play, just to come back a few minutes later sniffing again.
     A new emotion he's learned just in the last week or so is mad. He'll huff and fold his arms and say, "I'm mad!" and that only ends after we ask him why and acknowledge the feeling.
     He's also discovered shadows, and when he notices one he'll say, "Ah! Shadow!" He'll get into a mood where he is absolutley obssessed with his shadow and will follow it all around the house. If we're outside, it gets even more exciting noticing all the shadows of the trees and slide and stroller.
     One last thing: we have a big, soft reclining rocking chair in Jack's room that has compartments in the arms. In one of the compartments there is an extendable reading light. The night before last, Jack pulled out the light as far as it would go and started singing into like a microphone! We have no idea where he got this from, but he sang us two or three songs (expecting us to clap between them) before he would go brush his teeth. Oh, and he sings the cutest version of "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" you've ever heard ("twinkle lalla alalaba star! Ahh lahah ama are")

1 comment:

  1. you forgot to mention that he sings "let it go" i'm proud of that one ;)
