Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Six Months!

     That's right! My beautiful baby boy is six months old! I can hardly believe it. We went to visit a friend who had a baby last week and as I reached out to hold her little newborn, I suddenly realized I had no idea how you hold a newborn! He was so little and fragile! Then I looked over and Jack was sitting there happily playing with toys all by himself. It's amazing to me how quickly he's grown--and how much he can do independently now.
     He sits, has one tooth and one coming in, passes toys from hand to hand (a developmental thing I just recently learned about!), he eats fruits and vegetables (when I remember to give them to him), and loves peek-a-boo. He's my joy!
     We had his six month wellness checkup yesterday, and he is 26 1/2 in. long (56%) and 15.7 lbs. (19%). I know, you look at his pictures and wonder how in the world can that delicious face be in the 19%?! But that is pretty much all his chub--his adorable, kissable face.
     I planned on going up the canyon and taking a ton of really great pictures, but our Saturday became more full than we expected. Maybe we'll get that done this weekend. Luckily Michael's grandma has the perfect picture yard and we were able to snap a few between running around like crazies.

Jack is not a huge fan of grass, it turns out. This is the face he made the entire time he was on it directly.

This is his new: "I have teeth smile"