Friday, October 3, 2014 Months!

Hello, Hello!

Typically, I would have an 18 month post for Jack... but because of a funeral and some crazy rain action, we didn't get out to take pictures until today. And it is only 4 days until Jack is 19 months. He's still super cute though. So it's okay.

18 months! Already in the last few weeks he has changed so much. All 4 of his canines are popping through, so even his smile has changed in this 19th month of his. He has gotten so good at letting us brush his teeth, most of the time.

Jack loves to jump--off things, or simply jumping around the house. He can  bend his knees and jump all the way off the ground too, which is way advanced, developmentally speaking (yes, I'm bragging). He still loves any fruit I throw at him, though his taste for vegetables has declined some. (I blame Michael.) Some new favorites are peanut butter sandwiches, pretzels, and raisins.

At last count, he says over 30 words (yes, I've kept a list) and it seems like he is learning a new word every day. He still can't say B's, but he is only 18 months old. He has even started putting words together like, "welwo fass" speaking of his favorite yellow slide (which is fast), and "ball up!" when he wants us to throw the ball in the air.

Just in the last few weeks he has really started to play with cars--I think maybe our long road trip to Washington helped that. To keep him entertained we had to point out passing cars and trucks. And of course, he still absolutely loves to throw anything he can get his hands on. He has even started calling certain balls ball their real names (footballs, particularly).

During the day, he will often bring me my phone and say, "Dadda? Hello? Dadda?" and keep bugging me until we call Michael. And if I am ever on the phone with anyone else he grabs a hold of me and yells, "Dad! Dad!" That one is actually sort of annoying :-) He loves his dad so much, and it makes me so happy. When it is getting close to the time Michael gets home from work, we sometimes go outside and wait for him. When Michael comes into view, Jack gets so excited! He loves when Daddy gets home.

He loves just being outside. If we're outside and he can run around, he's happy. We try to take a walk to some park or field everyday to enjoy these last few weeks of nice weather. 

At his doctor's appointment he was 22 pounds exactly (4%), and 33 inches (56%).

And of course, because it is me, I have a whole lot of pictures:

He's signing "more" because he wants us to give him more rocks to throw.

Notice the rock in his hand?

Again, "more rocks?"