Thursday, June 23, 2011


So I finally gave in--I'm joining the blog craze. I figure that as our lives are beginning to change, it will be nice to have a way to record our adventures for friends and family. For the last few months I said I would start one around our year anniversary, and guess what?? It's been a year! Michael and I have been married a whole year. (I know, it really did go fast.)
It's been an incredible year, and I would say too incredible to even try to highlight, but I'm going to anyway:

June 2010: Our Wedding/Receptions
July/August 2010: Laguna Beach
August 2010: Sailing Trip Extravaganza/Richland
September-December 2010: BYU
Christmas 2010: Our First <3
New Years 2010/2011: Snow Basin
January-April 2011: Student Teaching and Final Semester
April 2011: We graduated!!
May 2011: Various outdoor adventures with friends
And that's not the end! The next few years are going to be
full of changes and fun. It's an exciting time of life:
finding/starting jobs, moving, being real-life adults, starting a
It's going to be epic.